
Thursday, November 24, 2005


SG forward this article to me the other day, really sorry for the delay as I was away for training . So here it is.. Just wanted to share it with you guys (The article may sound a little aggressive but hey! its an oppinion of a non Leslie fan. ) For the benefit of those who can't read Chinese i got it translated. Scroll down to read the english version. Enjoy!
荣迷VS非荣迷 (作者:维卡 )

一 荣迷的素质:其实,荣迷比我们有钱有闲有势,上海的一位大众观察家曾对各星的FANS做过观察比较,早几年就下过定义,喜欢张国荣的多是白领,小资,文化圈里的人,人中精品,连香港报刊都说“哥哥的FANS是出了名的富贵和友善。”在加上张国荣红了20多年,有的FANS一直追随他20多年,张复出以后,由于在艺术上屡有创新,又吸引了一批新的追星族。所以论影响力和影响面来说,张都是第一。
二 张在香港文艺圈地位:唯与他抗衡的在乐坛只有谭咏麟,影坛周润发(荣迷别不服)。他是香港文艺圈里的红哥哥(哥哥是圈中人对他的尊称,是地位的象征,就跟阿伦叫校长一样。)香港年轻一辈都以能获哥哥垂青为荣。前几年,那英在红馆开她首次香港个唱,刘德华要去捧场,那英表示无所谓,当港记问她最希望谁来,快人快语的那英说:当然最希望哥哥来啦,哪怕哥哥不唱歌,说几句话也行呀。瞧,多聪明,想在人家地界里儿混,不巴结人家老大能成?
三 有些人老拿四大天王与哥哥比较,这正中了荣迷的圈套。
四 死因:你猜他什么没什么都行,如果你说他事业走下坡路,又不符合事实。如果他不死,陈凯歌下一部的男主角找的就是他,还有跟学友的音乐剧,到大陆的巡演,张艾嘉的一部片子也请他当导演。。。
五 同性恋:如果想拿这个功击,得先看几本李银河的着作,否则你又要自取其辱。
六 爱滋病:张的乾净优雅是出了名的,他被香港报纸誉为“香港最后一个贵族。”前几天,台湾一个特活跃的人物李敖说他得了这个病,据说李后来到哪都成了过街老鼠,现在也老实地不敢瞎说了。
Leslie fan VS Non Leslie fan By : Leslie fan VS Non Leslie fan By: Vega

Two groups can be identified in the Internet, Leslie fan and the non Leslie Fan. I am the later however after going through some of the articles posted in the web I am reluctant to be categorized in that group. Their action put me to shame, defaming and condemning done without fear and guilt.

On other side, take a good look at the Leslie fan. Taking their time to explain with grace, it is indeed not an easy task. To recover from the heart breaking departure of their beloved idol while trying hard to defend and shield their “Gor Gor” from attack.

Thus, at best do not attempt to question the following:-

Fan’s Quality: Actually, most Leslie fans are from the rich and the powerful. It has been confirmed many years ago after conducting a comparison study by a public researcher in Shanghai stating that those who adore Leslie Cheung are from the white collar and the cultural circle, people of the best qualities. Even the press in Hong Kong agreed to the fact that “Leslie’s fan are famous for their friendliness and generosity” Adding to the fact that Leslie has been popular for over 20 years and more, his loyal fans constantly followed his path closely. And when he came back after his retirement, Leslie make a tremendous progress in his art, thus attracted more to be his fans. . Thus if talking about influencing power Leslie is said to be the No.1.

Leslie status in HK entertainment circle: The only competitors in singing career would be Alan Tam and acting career, Chow Yun fatt. Leslie is no doubt a respectable person or the elderly “Brother” in the entertainment industry (“Elder Brother” is the addressing term used to represent his respectable status in the industry, just like people addressing Alan Tam as “Head Master”.) Thus the younger generations in entertainment industry hopes to gain Leslie’s acknowledgement. Few years back, Ms Na Ying was having her debut concert in “Hong Guan” Hong Kong, Andy Lau mentioned going to her concert but Na Ying responded that she is ok with it, she don’t really care whose coming and whose not. But when asked who she really hope to attend her concert, Na Ying responded without hesitation:”Definitely Leslie Cheung, it doesn’t matter if he decided not to sing at my concert, just a few words from him and I’ll be trilled” Brilliant!

Comparing with the HK “Four Heavenly God”, a trap!

HK “Four Heavenly God” existed only after Leslie retired.

In the beginning of Andy Lau’s career, he was found following Leslie’s vocal style. When criticized, Andy humbly said:”Who can ever replace Leslie Cheung?” At present, Andy no longer adapting Leslie’s style but was found imitating him wearing skirts, singing “Ming Xing (Star)” in his concert. It is undeniable that Leslie possessed the powerful influencing force, idol of idol, Star of the Stars. Leon Lai once address Leslie as “Teacher”, but Leslie rejected it however advised him to improve his singing. During Leslie 97 concert, Leon showed great sincerity as he went over to Leslie’s concert directly after a flight. Aaron Kwok was once Leslie’s back dancer, no wonder his dancing is good! The leader of the “Four Heavenly God” Jacky Cheung delightedly went to prepare a musical stage script when Leslie simply said: “Jacky, let’s do a musical stage together.” If only Leslie is still alive, we could have witness the two most outstanding male singers in Hong Kong performing together by the end of the year.

Reason of Death: You can attempt on any wild guesses on his death, but it would be rather invalid if you think his death is related to his career going down slope. He would be Chen Hai Gor’s up next movie main cast, Jacky Cheung’s Musical Stage, China performance Tour, Chang Ai Jia even invited him as the director for her up coming movie..

In the year of 2000, many press in HK gathered to organize a special event “Top Ten of Most Popular People Award”, Leslie was placed first. On the same year Leslie’s [Monica] was positioned first on the “Top Ten Century Golden Musical Award” The media press once said, Leslie is the only heart throb who concur two generations, the 80’s to the twenty one century! People of China may not realize this as Leslie is rather low profile. When he made a came back after his retirement, Leslie refused any awards given. But that did not stop the prestigious awards and Musical Ambassadors awards coming towards his. Just a year back, he was awarded a musical award but instead of attending the event he went bowling with his friend Daffy. This proved that Leslie doesn’t really care about awards.

Gay: If you attempt to use this as a force of attack, kindly refer to few books written by “Lee Yin He” first, else you are only making a fool of yourself.

Aids: Leslie is famous for his grace and cleanliness, he was crowned by the media as “HK last Royal”. Just a few days ago, Lee Au accused Leslie in having this decease, however according to some source Lee later dare not mentioned of it anymore.

What I am stressing here is that, when you attack make sure you got the prove. Don’t ever accuse without it as it will only put yourself to shame showing how low your personality is.

Don’t you think we had not enough of embarrassment in front of the Leslie’s fan?

Further, it is not the fans who nominate Leslie in the list of any Top Ten event. Since it’s listed, it would be not matter of yours to interfere.

Saturday, November 19, 2005



After receiving the HK Golden Horse Award - Best Actress, SuQi cried with joy. The happy actress was later found attending several award celebration parties and gathering. SuQi said in her interveiws ": From porn star to best actress, I felt I've gone through much hardship compare to others, ofcause am luckier too! Many thanks to those who had helped me out over the past ten years, including Leslie Cheung who spent so much time in helping me in the making of [Viva Ero tica] . "

Source: 爱爱吧
Text translated by: :Linx

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


This is one of my personal favourite! His voice! Ah.. so rich!
Solo version

词:许冠杰 曲:张国荣

夜风凛凛 独回望旧往事前尘
是以往的我 充满怒愤
诬告与指责积 压着满肚气不愤

受了教训 得了书经的指引
现已看得透 不再自困
但觉有分数 不再像为往那般笨

冥冥中 都早注定你富或贫
是错永不对 真永是
任你怎说 安守我本份

是非有公理 慎言莫冒犯别人
遇上冷风雨 休太认真
自信满心里 休理会讽刺与质问
笑骂由人 洒脱地做人
少年行 洒脱地做人
继续行 洒脱地做人

Monday, November 14, 2005





中国电影表演艺术学会主办了这次专业性评选活动,获评的100位演员中,既有中国电影早期的影星上官云珠、胡蝶等,也有巩俐、章子怡等新一代演员,成龙、秦汉、周星驰等19名港台演员也入选其中。  现场同时播放了每位获奖者的经典电影画面,气氛温馨怀旧,许多入选老艺术家击掌相庆。而当张国荣在《霸王别姬》中的形象出现时,所有在场的艺术家和媒体记者都热烈鼓掌

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I know more about Leslie after he leaves us. Saw this article in forum and share with you here.
Taken from: 张国荣艺术研究会

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


1 生命实在太短暂,所以一定要活得正面,积极。

2 我很喜欢香港,我觉得香港是我的根。

3 我对人有感情,对屋子没有的。死物对我来说,是没有所谓的。如果有朋友说喜欢我的衣服,你拿去吧。家人说喜欢我的车子,你拿去吧。那些东西对我是没影响的,我最重视的是朋友,是爱。

4 《我》,那就是我的心情写照。歌词中有几句写着「我永远喜欢这样的我」、「光明磊落」。我觉得人要尊重别人,也要懂得尊重及爱自己。

5 我要在中国拍摄中国的电影,奉献给中国人,包括海外的中国人。

6 我是中国人。我要为中国人拍出非常有意义的电影。

7 那些有天分的演员或者是高水平的演员,他们的演技让你觉得不是演技,而是在演他们本身,这正是因为有他们独到的一面。不是别人的翻版,因此才有说服力。 与前者相比,中等水平的演员,就是指那些没有什么天分的普通演员,他们不愿意作大胆的挑战,因此既不会有太大的偏差,也不会让观众感受到角色的精采和天分这些成分。这是因为没有自己独特的东西,而仅仅是在无意识中抄袭各种人的形象而已。

8 我突发奇想,出名的艺人,可能都是犯了天条的神仙,被贬下凡间,不过仍有受欣赏的优点,所以便让人崇拜一下,让他们收一下花吧。

9 我好想做戏,做到老,去做不同的角色, 电影是最大的梦,我喜欢发梦。
10 我在香港出生,在这裹长大,我的根在这里。

11 有人可能会认为张国荣已经无负担,拍不拍电影与拍甚么电影又何需太费神。 其实我拍电影反而比以前更执着。我不想再重复演相同的角色。

12 我是一个无take two的演员,我不是一个formation acting的演员,不会每个take都一模一样,我喜欢自由发挥,令导演在剪片时多些选择。

13 我认为一个演员是雌雄同体的,千变万化的。

14 音乐和电影可以互相补足,有点像左右手。

15 在乐坛多年,我最大的收获并不是名和利,而是获得一帮忠实的拥护者。他们对我的支持,令我对自己更有信心,他们对我的爱戴与拥护实在令我非常感动。

16 电影是个最大的梦,我喜欢发梦,喜欢扮演那其中各种各样的角色。

17 人不能永远停留在一个地方,我只希望,在我唱歌的时候,大家永远记得我,拍电影的时候,也是一样。

18 我觉得艺人做到最高境界是可以男女两个性别同在一个人身上的,艺术本身是没有性别的。

19 做人也是患难见真情,锦上添花的人很多,但雪中送炭的又有几个呢?
20 我不擅辞令,但我只想True To My Heart,性格问题,所以很多人说我改变,其实我由始至终都没有变过,变的是自己开心了。
21 不要自满,要谦虚;去学人家好的东西,把自己好的东西发挥出来。

22 人最紧要懂得欣赏造物主给你的一切,即使是一些很平凡的人与事。

23 了解自己,坚持自己的信念。 不是在物质上而是在心中拥有,这才是重要的。

24 在世界上,最重要是有真感情。感情是自己的,不需要理会世俗眼光,最重要是个人感觉,自己开心,又无损他人,对一切闲言就不用理会。

Taken from: 荣雪烟的blog

Saturday, November 05, 2005



