中国电影表演艺术学会主办了这次专业性评选活动,获评的100位演员中,既有中国电影早期的影星上官云珠、胡蝶等,也有巩俐、章子怡等新一代演员,成龙、秦汉、周星驰等19名港台演员也入选其中。 现场同时播放了每位获奖者的经典电影画面,气氛温馨怀旧,许多入选老艺术家击掌相庆。而当张国荣在《霸王别姬》中的形象出现时,所有在场的艺术家和媒体记者都热烈鼓掌
11 Comment:
一夜升一倍11.11? 勁!
Oh ya, if my dear wanna find any goodies about Leslie. One of my Faye fans perhaps can give us a hand.
wow... this 郵票 is damn nice... where u got it??? downloaded from somewhere or u got it urself in 'real'? something to be treasured ya...
A fan from Faye can help?? She staying in HK??? Scared trouble her wor..
No lar.. not the real thing I downloaded and cut it out.. if I could just get the real thingy!!!
Previously a fan says she will arrange but still no news leh.. guess have to ask her
He is the one offer for helps. No worry dear. ;) He told me is his habbit to find goodies. :)
Hehe, I am now just waiting for the stamps send to me from HK, sitting here no need to Q up. ;p
Did you help us to place order as well?
Ah? Linx, I had ordered it last year October. I have order some, if got extra, then you may have one.
Ah?? I thought I placed my order too!!! Oh noo.. you missed me out. sob sob..
No la, I think I had asked you before and order a set of first day cover (only Gorgor) for you. Don't worry! Smile....Cheeseeeeee :p
Grab Pris with two hands and gave her a big KISS! Muaks!
haha, y u r so 'yit ching' (passion) la, cant tahan!
My fren said she will sending out the stamps this 2 days, so most probably we will resiv it next week, hehe. \^o^/
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