Help to do prayers for Leslie.
May he be in peace, happy and away from suffering.
南无阿弥陀佛 南无阿弥陀佛 南无阿弥陀佛
愿以此功德 回向张国荣
庄严佛净土 上报四重恩
下济三途苦 所有见闻者
悉发菩提心 尽此一报身
Help to do prayers for Leslie.
Earth Quake Strike again two days ago..Luckily no sign of Tsunami this time!
As 401 draws near, i just can't stop thinking of him.. Anyway, yesterday night I went out for a small gathering, though just the three of us but it was fun. I have not seen the friend for almost 5 years since college and strange thing is she has not change a bit! Lol! Still the same hair style and look! Haha...A good feeling..
Saw the preview yesterday on TV.. Happy for Stephen that his second movie directed is out!!! 为他感到高兴,可是另一方面却为哥哥感到很心痛。。为何他的梦想不能成真?
Noticing that days passes by pretty fast and its like what? March stepping into April 2005 already.. Sometimes I ask myself: "Have you done anything meaningful yet?" .... well.... nothing much... except completing my MBA courses module by module and... ?? What else leh? haha...
The weather is getting real bad, hot and bad air!
Sick...sleepless nights with terrible cough!!!
Just came back from my study leave and one of my colleague told me the management have not yet approve the web-base program that I have developed.. Its kinda hit me in the heart, I mean if the program has not been approved from the management why would they proceed to do it and set such a narrow dead line for me? ^x^ Just couldn't figure it out.. amyway, I just take it as it is and follow what ever instruction they give..working life eh?
Didn't do much at work today except doing my own stuff *ShHH**
刚刚才忙完一个web project, 现在又要去弄另一个!!! 哇噻!!!神啊救救我呀!!
Have been hearing and reading lots of unfortunate events happening ^-^haven't seen the movie "a series of unfortunate events" yet though... ^-^ Unhappy as it is, life goes on everyday.. it wouldn't stop for anyone or anything. Sometimes I just wonder what would become of me in the future. People said 'Life is short", but with uncertainty it felt quite long..
Going to have my mid term exam for this module today.. not sure if i am fully prepared.. My mind blank at the moment! Further the presentation is on right after the exam! God, so many happening on one day.. but the strange thing is i am not feeling nervous at all! How can that be?